For the treatment of acute or chronic back pain, particularly in cases of herniated discs. By using guided imaging techniques to inject medication directly into the epidural space, which surrounds the spinal cord and nerve roots, we are able to reduce inflammation and relieve pain allowing the patient to heal and recover quicker through physical therapy.  Transforaminal – Medication is injected into the foramen at the targeted nerve root  providing targeted pain relief for specific areas. Interlaminar – Into the epidural space more broadly, which can be effective for larger areas of pain.  Caudal – Through the sacral area, providing an alternative access point for pain relief.


For the treatment of chronic joint pain in the spine, a facet joint injection provides pain relief directly into the affected joint. Most commonly used for the treatment of arthritic facet joints or spinal stenosis.


For the treatment of chronic joint pain, particularly in cases of arthropathic facet joint pain. The procedure involves injecting medication directly into the medial branch nerves, which are responsible for transmitting pain signals from the facet joints to the brain.


For the long-term treatment of chronic joint pain, we use heat generated from radio waves to destroy the nerve responsible for transmitting pain signals. This can provide long-lasting pain relief for patients. RFA is typically performed after two medial branch blocks have been completed and have resulted in successful pain relief.


For the treatment of back and leg pain caused by irritation or compression of a specific nerve root, selective nerve root blocks can provide targeted pain relief. Kyphoplasty, vertebroplasty, and sacroplasty are minimally invasive procedures that can provide significant pain relief and prevent further collapse of the bone. (See below for specific treatments). These procedures stabilize the spine and improve quality of life for patients suffering from spinal fractures.


Kyphoplasty involves the insertion of a balloon into the fractured vertebra to create space for the injection of bone cement.


Sacroplasty is used to treat fractures of the sacrum and involves the injection of bone cement into the fractured bone.


Vertebroplasty involves the injection of bone cement directly into the fractured vertebra.