Advanced Therapy


For the treatment of chronic pain, spinal cord stimulators are devices that are surgically implanted under the skin of the back and deliver electrical impulses to the spinal cord to help alleviate pain Spinal cord stimulators are most commonly used to treat chronic pain conditions that have not responded well to other treatments, such as failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, neuropathic pain, and chronic pain from degenerative spinal conditions. Learn More


For the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and pain, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a minimally invasive procedure where a patient’s own blood is drawn, processed to concentrate the platelets, and then injected into the affected area using sonogram or floroscopic guided imaging. PRP is most commonly used to treat

  • Tennis elbow
  • golfer’s elbow
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Patellar tendonitis 
  • Acute muscle strains and sprains 
  • Rotator cuff tears 
  • Meniscal ligament tears 
  • Arthritis 
  • Labral tears 
  • Disc injuries in the spine

The concentrated platelets in the PRP solution contain growth factors and other proteins that can help stimulate the body’s natural healing response and promote tissue regeneration, including in damaged spinal discs.


For the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and degenerative conditions, SCT is a regenerative medicine procedure that is used by spine specialists with access to fluoroscopic imaging equipment. Stem cells, usually derived from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue, are harvested and then injected into the affected area under fluoroscopic guidance. This procedure is commonly used to treat conditions such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and facet joint arthritis, among others. The stem cells can differentiate into various types of cells, including cartilage, bone, and muscle cells, which can help repair damaged tissue and reduce inflammation