Health & Fitness

Physical therapy is a common form of rehabilitation prescribed by specialists, aimed at strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and reducing pain. Patients will undergo personalized exercise programs tailored to their specific condition and goals, often performed with the guidance of a licensed physical therapist. Other forms of rehabilitation and fitness may include low-impact exercises, aquatic therapy, and massage therapy, among others. The goal of rehab and fitness is to restore functionality, prevent future injuries, and improve overall quality of life. We partner with Spear Physical Therapy right next door if you’re in the area, but feel free to use any that’s most convenient for you so you can go more consistently for better recovery.

Alternative medicine is a form of healthcare that goes beyond traditional medical practices and includes treatments like acupuncture and massage therapy. Acupuncture uses thin needles inserted at specific points to relieve pain and promote healing, while massage therapy involves manual manipulation of the muscles and soft tissues to promote relaxation and relieve pain. Both methods have been shown to be effective in treating various musculoskeletal conditions and can be used in conjunction with traditional medical treatments.


Maintaining good posture, physical and mental health, and getting enough restful sleep to help prevent future injuries and improve recovery is your goal. This will likely include lifestyle changes, such as adopting an exercise routine or improving nutrition, as well as strategies to manage stress and promote overall well being. Proper office set up and good posture can help prevent strains and injuries, while mental health practices like mindfulness and therapy can help address any underlying psychological factors. Overall, preventative treatment and recovery aims to promote a healthy lifestyle that supports optimal physical and mental function.

Find out how you can start your recovery process and maintain it through an active lifestyle.